Entries Tagged as 'Arashiyama'

月曜日, 1月 9th, 2012

Kyoto Arashiyama tourist guide

Reading time: About 3 minutes

Kyoto Arashiyama tourist guide

Kyoto is one of the most famous tourist spots in Japan. There is an area called Rakusei, which is an area wher […]

金曜日, 12月 23rd, 2011

Saihouji (Kokedera)

Reading time: About 2 minutes

Saihouji (Kokedera)

The Saihouji, which can be defined as a Buddhist pure land temple, is called Kokedera. Within the precincts of […]

日曜日, 12月 12th, 2010

Kyoto, the city of Japanese traditions and culture Part3

Reading time: About 5 minutes

Kyoto, the city of Japanese traditions and culture Part3

I was free until the time to visit Katsura Imperial Villa.I left my luggage at Kyoto Station and headed for Ar […]