Entries Tagged as 'Nara'

月曜日, 11月 7th, 2011

Nara Nishonokyo Walking guide

Reading time: About 4 minutes

Nara Nishonokyo Walking guide

Nishinokyo like the name itself already is, known to be named due to the fact that it has something to do with […]

水曜日, 7月 6th, 2011

Kakinohasushi -Hiraso-

Reading time: About 2 minutes

Kakinohasushi -Hiraso-

Kakinohasushi is a local sushi in Yoshino area in Northern Nara prefecture. It used to be the feast for Natsum […]

木曜日, 5月 26th, 2011

Tea making experience “Inokura tea garden”

Reading time: About 7 minutes

Tea making experience “Inokura tea garden”

Nara prefecture is known for the land of the origin of Japan’s tea. About an hour drive from the center of Nar […]

火曜日, 3月 22nd, 2011

Nara Guide

Reading time: About 4 minutes

Nara Guide

Nara is a place where many World Heritages are preserved. Beautiful nature remains as well with many interesti […]