火曜日, 3月 15th, 2011...3:54 PM

Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World

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Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World
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The 2011 Sendai Earthquake and Tsunami will remain in history as one of the most disastrous tragedies. Although Japan has been facing the greatest difficulties, one can catch a glimpse of “Tasukeai (mutual help)” or “Gaman (endurance)”, the senses that have almost been lost in modern Japan. Please read the following, wishing that it may heal people.

■Heart-warming Tweets from Twitter(Provided by:prayforjapan.jp)
* @unosuke
Tokyo Disneyland was handing out its shops’ food and drinks for free to the stranded people nearby. I saw a bunch of snobby looking highschool girls walking away with large portions of it and initially though “What the …” But I later I found out they were taking them to the families with little children at emergency evacuation areas. Very perceptive of them, and a very kind thing to do indeed.

* @kiritansu
At a devastated supermarket, people were just picking up things on the ground and queuing without complaining anything. I saw an old person giving his seat to a pregnant woman in a train that just started to operate and therefore really crowded. Foreigners were at a loss for words seeing these. Well, that must be true. Wow, Japan, wow…

A comment form UN: “Japan is one of (the UN’s) most generous and strongest benefactors, coming to the assistance of those in need the world over. In that spirit, the United Nations stands by the people of Japan and we will do anything and everything we can at this very difficult time.”

Cars were moving at the rate of maybe one every green light, but everyone was letting each other go first with a warm look and a smile. At a complicated intersection, the traffic was at a complete standstill for 5 minutes, but I listened for 10 minutes and didn’t hear a single beep or honk except for an occasional one thanking someone for giving way. It was a terrifying day, but scenes like this warmed me and made me love my country even more.

It was cold and I was getting very weary waiting forever for the train to come. Some homeless people saw me, gave me some of their own cardboard boxes and saying “you’ll be warmer if you sit on these!” I have always walked by homeless people pretending I didn’t see them, and yet here they were offering me warmth. Such warm people.

When I was on my way home walking for 4 hours, I saw a woman holding a sketchbook saying “Use my toilette if you need!” Japan is certainly the warmhearted country in the world. It was very touching and I cried.

Story from a friend in Chiba. At an evacuation center, when an old guy said, “How are we going to recover?”, a high school student next to him said, “Don’t worry. We will definitely make everything what it used to be when we become adults”, patting the old guy on the back. Don’t worry. There is future.

The image of an aged man who was rescued after 42 hours left in his house. “We experienced the Chilean Tsunami. We are fine. Let’s reconstruct the city again”. He answered with smile. That reminded me that what we do from now is the most important.

One of the greatest earthquakes with the magnitude 9.0? Then, let’s give our greatest energy and love to rebuild!

■Prayers from the World

Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (1)



Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (3)


Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (6)


Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (10)


Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (5)


Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (1)


Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (4)


Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (12)


Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (13)


Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (11)




Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (15)


Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (8)


Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (2)

■Messages from the World’s Soccer Players
AC Milan(Italy・Serie A)

Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (9)

Sevilla and Barcelona (Spain・Liga Espanola)

Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (1)

Arsenal Supporters

Heart-warming Messages and Stories from Japan and the World (7)

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