水曜日, 9月 8th, 2010...10:55 AM

Art Calligraphy Report

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Art Calligraphy Report
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When you say “calligraphy”, it sounds difficult and idea of imitating an example. However, it is a type of art, in other word, self-expression.

There was a workshop held that put expression first into practice. That was “Art Calligraphy on T-shirt”.

The teacher was Rimi Takasu. She began art when she was 5 years old and now has an instructor license. Her teacher was a person who encouraged calligraphy with expression and praised her if a feeling was well expressed even though it was not good and said no to works that didn’t convey the feelings well even though it was good. Ms. Takasu was influenced by her teacher and likes calligraphy that can make you feel the hand and feeling from it. Today, as she works as an art director at an advertising agency, she is an illustrator using the texture of calligraphy.

Art Calligraphy Report (4)

There were two groups participating in this workshop; a 6th grade boy and a women working at a publisher.

Art Calligraphy Report (3)

First, there was a brief lecture about the origin of kanji. The kanji “川” was taken from the stream, “山” from the ranging mountains, and “月” from the crescent moon.

Art Calligraphy Report (5)

Ms, Takasu asked them to pick one from the three kanji “川” ” 山” “月”, and write. The boy choose “川” and the women choose “月”.

Then they think of a word they want to write on a T-shirt.
The women continued to use the word “月”. The boy chooses “Football”.
They practiced on a paper first.

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As they write again and again, they think of the picture they want to put on the T-shirt. The boy came up with ideas of making the “o” into a soccer ball and “F” into a person kicking it. Ms. Takasu suggested him to make the “ll” in to 11, the member of soccer players.
The women is into the kanji “月”.
The idea for the T-shirt is becoming in shape.

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Now it is time to draw on the T-shirt.As everyone watched, the boy begins to write.

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First he drew a soccer ball on the sleeve as practice.And then he wrote “Football”.

Art Calligraphy Report (1)

Not being satisfied with the front of the T-shirt, he wrote “Football” on the back and put his name as well just like a soccer uniform.

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The women wrote a small “月” on the sleeve as practice.
Then she wrote “月” on the left chest.

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Both of them are finished. Now all it is left is to dry it and take it home. They used sumi (Chinsese ink) that will not come off by washing so they can wear it for everyday use. Maybe the boy wore it to soccer practice.

If you want to enjoy calligraphy, there is art calligraphy so please find a workshop and participate!

Art Calligraphy Report (2)

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