水曜日, 7月 11th, 2012...9:12 AM

The Musashi Ichizoku Ninja Hall

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The Musashi Ichizoku Ninja Hall
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Ninjas existed over 400 years ago and are what we would call a spy in present time. A ninja’s job consisted of infiltration, information gathering, and assassination. To conduct their espionage, ninjas carried different weapons and used special techniques; such as knowledge on explosives and poisons.

Ninjas were masters of deception, and in their daily lives, ninjas hid their true identities by working as farmers or merchants. Most ninjas were born into the profession, and trained from a young age. Ninjas were trained in martial arts as well as survival and scouting techniques. Many worked alone, but at times they also worked in teams, as there were teamwork techniques as well.


Ninjas are popular both in Japan and abroad. Many foreigners love ninjas and their history. And if you come to Japan you can meet real ninjas, even in Tokyo. There is a ninja hall located just five minutes from Tokyo’s Tabata station.


Inside the ninja hall.




Shitaba Sadataro

For over 420 years, the ninja hall has been passing down and sharing the traditions and history of ninjas. In this hall the family is a whole family that was created by Tokugawa Ieyasu during the 15th to 16th century war battles, and went through to the Edo government. The Edo government was out of touch with the outside world for 265 years, and had created a completely closed nation state. However, the flow of opening country borders throughout the world with the information collected from the outside countries; it was this ninja hall and its ancestors that also communicated with outside countries.

Experience Musashi Clan Ninja Shows and Workshops




The darts are blown through bamboo shoots which look like thin straws. The darts are very small; they’re usually made out of small needles with feathers attached. Blowing the darts out of the bamboo shoot requires a lot of skill and technique. The darts used by ninjas usually had poison, sleeping potions, or explosives attached to them, which were used to attack the enemy quickly and quietly.



Throwing shuriken


Suriken up close

One of the most well-known weapons used by ninjas is the suriken. The suriken is a small metal cross, or star, which was usually covered with poison. Due to its size and structure, this weapon was easy to use, and could be thrown in any direction. It was a powerful tool which could harm the body, and dispense poison at the same time.

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