土曜日, 11月 6th, 2010...2:15 PM

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san

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Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san
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The classic movie, “Otoko wa Tsurai yo”(It’s tough being a man), set the scene in Shibamata. This series are known as the longest movie series with total of 48 of them. Today, we visited Shibamata town where the famous scenes were filmed.

We started from the Shibamata station. There stands a Tora-san statue with the well-known look.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (1)

There are the three monkeys near the station. People placed symbol of monkey on top of horse house because it is said to protect horse from disease. The famous three monkeys in Nikko was placed for the same reason.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (7)

The town is filled with Showa era style. I think there are many people who recall those cheap snack stores, cola candy, and so many other snacks.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (3)

The second floor is a toy museum. It only opens on the weekends and holidays.
On the way from the station to Shibamata Taishakuten, you can enjoy the unique town quite different from Asakusa nor Kamakura. Let’s stroll around the Showa town.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (2)

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (4)

Walking while eating the popular rice crackers or kusa dang (rice-flour dumpling flavored with mugwort).

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (6)

The shop that became the model of Tora-san’s parents’ house “Kuruma-ya”.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (5)

For about 200m, many souvenir shops and old restaurants are crammed on both sides of the road.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (8)

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (23)

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (24)

There are many dharuma dolls.

We have arrived at Shibamata Taishakuten. The contrast of green pine tree and wooden temple is beautiful.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (9)

There are marvelous carving done aournd the Taishaku-do. They were all done by artisans from back then. You can enjoy looking at the fine gallery.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (12)

Behind the Taishakuten is a beautiful Japanese garden. The time seems to slow down in the garden. Spending some time quietly here may be a good idea.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (10)

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (11)

Near Taishakuten, there is Yamamoto-tei. It is a residence with a splendid Japanese garden constructed from Taisho era up to beginning of Showa era.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (20)

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (21)

You can have a nice view of the garden from the inside of the fine building. You can have a cold matcha and snacks so it is a great place to rest.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (22)

Near Edo-gawa River stands Katsushika Shibamata Tora-san Memorial Hall. Inside, there are sets reproducing the world of the movie. You can see the famous scenes and buy souvenir.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (13)

If you go up to Edo-gawa River, you can ride the only ferry left in Tokyo, “Yagiri watashi”. It is popular for the old hand stroke style. 5 minutes ride to the other side is 100 yen.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (14)

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (15)

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (17)

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (16)

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (18)

Shibamata has a simple style, different from those of Asakusa nor Kyoto. Rather than going to the major tourist spot, strolling down Shibamata, eating the local food, and enjoying the atmosphere can be said to be the tour for Japan lover.

There were crabs along the river.

Walking “Shibamata” the Town of Tora-san (19)

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*Shibamata Yamato-ya

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