日曜日, 8月 22nd, 2010...5:16 PM

Experience times of “Japanese culture” Art Calligraphy on T-shirt 子供と一緒に日本文化体験!

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Experience times of “Japanese culture” Art Calligraphy on T-shirt 子供と一緒に日本文化体験!
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Have Fun with Your Kids!

Experience times of “Japanese culture” in a relaxation space surrounded by books at Hiroo.


■Art Calligraphy on T-shirt
August 28th (Sat.) 4pm-6pm
Fee:3500 yen (one person)
*Accompany:1000yen / person

■Make the Green Tea!
September 8th (Wed.) 2pm-3pm
Fee:3500 yen (one person)
*Accompany:1000yen / person

Foster your “Wisdom” with “Books”
Kokoro-Uta Book Lounge
5-9-27-4F Hiroo Shibuya Ward

■How to Participate
Please email to “info@kokoro-uta.com” with your information.

1. Name of participant(s) (*For kids, note his/her age).
2. Your email address.
3. Your cell phone number.

Related Post
*Jusaburo Tsujimura Doll Exhibition,MEGURO GAJOEN
*Experience at Japan Culture Festival
*Art Calligraphy Report
*Write your name with your family!

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